

Description of our company – B2B purpose (School catering)




MichelBru takes pride in making children smile with delicious and healthy meals. Serving schools in Taiwan, we offer three catering options: full-service catering with on-site staff cooking and serving, hot lunchbox deliveries, and buffet deliveries. Our menus include Taiwanese, European, and American dishes, all created by our registered dietitian and Michelin-star experienced French chef to ensure they are nutritious and safe. Trust MichelBru for meals that are safe, balanced, and sure to delight.


你們是在台灣成立的食品公司嗎?非常歡迎您試試我們特別的 B2B 即食餐點。透過我們的 B2B 價格、專業廚師準備的自製即時加熱餐點、無需合約、30 天付款彈性、可選擇新鮮冷藏或冷凍運輸、每週菜單輪換、單餐僅須 50 元新台幣起,一起提高您的業務利潤。
馬上聯絡我們的 B2B 團隊:contact@michelbru.com.tw


Are you a food company established in Taiwan? You are eligible for our special B2B ready-to-eat meals. Improve the margins of your business with our b2b prices, homemade ready to reheat meals prepared by professional chefs, no contract required, 30-day payment convenience, fresh or frozen shipping, weekly menu rotation, meals from only 50 NTD.
Contact our B2B team: contact@michelbru.com.tw

米榭爾布盧提供訂閱制的送餐服務,提供由合格營養師設計和專業廚師製作的餐點。每週一次即可享有一整週的健康、均衡飲食,並有 7 天的保存期限。我們優先考慮提供營養餐點並鼓勵客戶採用更健康的生活方式。我們的產品包括有機選擇、100% 自製餐點、可自訂的巨量營養素、註冊營養師的建議、盡可能使用在地食材,以及避免使用加工食品的承諾。


MichelBru offers a subscription-based meal delivery service featuring dietitian-designed and chef-crafted meals. Each week, enjoy a full week’s supply of healthy, balanced meals delivered at once, with a 7-day use-by period. We prioritize providing nutritious meals and supporting our clients in adopting healthier lifestyles. Our offerings include organic options, 100% homemade meals, customizable macros, guidance from a registered dietitian, locally sourced ingredients where possible, and a commitment to avoiding processed foods.

email : contact@michelbru.com.tw
tel 電話 : 0978-851-712
Line ID : @michelbru
FB : facebook.com/michelbrutaiwan